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  Tarheel Central Chapter MOAA: Serving Surry, Yadkin, Davie, Stokes, Forsyth, and Davidson counties in NC

About MOAA: National MOAA Information

Learn about the Parent Organization
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MOAA Scholarship Fund

The MOAA Scholarship Fund is supported by donations and bequests from MOAA members, their spouses, and others. MOAA administers this program without deducting any operating expenses whatsoever from donations. 100% of contributions are used for loans and grants.

The MOAA's awards program recognizes individuals and groups who contribute significantly to our nation's defense. The recipients are those who help strengthen the foundation upon which future generations will build.

A list of the schools supported by the Tarheel Central Chapter can be downloaded from the downloads badge above, or Click Here

Posted Nov 24, 09 by webguy Under About MOAA Permalink 1259110662