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  Tarheel Central Chapter MOAA: Serving Surry, Yadkin, Davie, Stokes, Forsyth, and Davidson counties in NC

About MOAA: National MOAA Information

Learn about the Parent Organization
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Why Join MOAA?

- There are 14 MOAA Chapters in North Carolina with a combined total of 18,000 members...

- BUT, there are ONLY 2,000 MOAA members who have a corresponding membership with one of the 14 NC Chapters!

- Why is this important? Here are just some of the critical actions that have been enacted or supported by MOAA:

A military member AND the member's spouse can declare a state of residency. This ensures that the spouse doesn't face problems with having to re-register to vote or to get a drivers license in each state to which the military member is assigned.

TRICARE is NOT in jeopardy of any increases as a result of recent actions by Congress in passing a health care bill because of MOAA's efforts.

A Caregiver Bill is currently being drafted by Congress to extend critical benefits to family members who support wounded warriors thanks in part to the work of MOAA.

All of these programs, and many others like them, are the direct result of MOAA's One Powerful Voice before Congress.

MOAA National NEEDS to hear from everyone about issues important to us as military members, in total, but also as they relate to our state, our hometown, AND our Chapter.

Posted Jan 4, 2019 by Dennis Lennon Under About MOAA Permalink 1711637556