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Scholarship Awards Dinner
May 2019
On May 14, 2019, the Tarheel Central Chapter MOAA awarded their annual $1500 scholarships to the two JROTC selectees for this year. Awards were presented by I.B. Southerland Maj, USAF (Ret): Scholarship Program Chair of our chapter.
This years recipients were:
Overall Group Commander Cadet Cilia Mariela Espinoza-Roman, Surry Central High School, USAFJROTC
A leading academic student all her four years in JROTC she graduates with a 4.018 GPA, she is the most decorated cadet in her High School's history with activities ranging from rocketry to Salvation Army drives, Surry County food drives, Color Guard and, most impressively, recipient of three National competitive awards for leadership, academic performance, community service, personal appearance, behavior and attendance.
Cadet Commander LTC Missy Duentes-Delgado, Elkin High School, USAJROTC
An outstanding academic student with a 4.52 GPA, she has been active in local and shcool activities such as soccer, cross country and annual Red Cross blood drives. She is destined to attend Stanford University upon graduation.
Each recipient was accompanied by their parents and JROTC representatives from their schools.
Earlier comments by our own Ken Zuhr CDR, USN (Ret): First Vice President, Membership highlighted the value to his Naval career from Junior High School onwards in JROTC and ROTC programs.