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Tarheel Central MOAA Scholarship Recipients 2016

May 2016

First Recipient:

Derrik Mahlon Brown of Thurmon, NC

- Surry Central High School – Graduating June 2016

- Will attend NC State in the fall

- He is planning to get a degree in either Mechanical or Aerospace Engineering

- DOB: September 8, 1998

- Parents: Ms. Regina Brown

- AFJROTC for 4 years: unit under the command of LtCol Brian O’Connell, USAF

- Cadet of the Year (Level I & II) 2013 & 2014

- Top AFJROTC Performer – 2015

- AFJROTC Group Commander

- Color Guard Commander

- Raiders Commander

- Kitty Hawk Air Honor Society Commander

- President National Honors Society

- President of the Rho Kappa Social Studies Honor Society

- Quiz Bowl Team Member

- National Technical Honor Society Member

- Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society

- GPA (unweighted) 3.86

Second Recipient:

Samuel Jonas George of Siloam, NC

- East Surry High School – Graduate June 10, 2016

- DOB: May 7, 1998

- Parents: Jack and Vickie George

- UNC Charlotte: Mechanical Engineering, Army ROTC

- Awarded 3 year ROTC National Scholarship at UNCC

- JROTC – 4 years unit under the command of 1stSgt Ronald Montgomery, USA, Retired

- Best 1st Year JROTC Student – 2013

- Senior Patrol leader in JROTC

- JROTC Platoon Sergeant

- Command Sergeant Major

- Battalion Commander

- JROTC Raiders Team member

- Very active in the yearly can food drives with different organizations

- Part of planning & execution of 8 American red cross blood drives

- Various fund raisers to help veterans

- Other charity fund raisers for local students with cancer.

- Eagle Scout in 2013

- Best 1st year scout in 2009

- Assistant Senior patrol leader in Boy Scouts

- Academic and leadership Quiz Bowl team captain

- Member of the National Honors Society

- Member of the National Technical Honor Society

- Cross Country team member

- GPA (Unweighted) 3.72

It was a great pleasure for the Tarheel Central MOAA Chapter to recognize these two outstanding recipients of our 2016 Scholarship Awards.

Posted May 18, 16 by Dennis Lennon Under Awards and Honors Permalink 1463586178