Tarheel Central MOAA Scholarship Recipients 2016
May 2016
First Recipient:
Derrik Mahlon Brown of Thurmon, NC
- Surry Central High School – Graduating June 2016
- Will attend NC State in the fall
- He is planning to get a degree in either Mechanical or Aerospace Engineering
- DOB: September 8, 1998
- Parents: Ms. Regina Brown
- AFJROTC for 4 years: unit under the command of LtCol Brian O’Connell, USAF
- Cadet of the Year (Level I & II) 2013 & 2014
- Top AFJROTC Performer – 2015
- AFJROTC Group Commander
- Color Guard Commander
- Raiders Commander
- Kitty Hawk Air Honor Society Commander
- President National Honors Society
- President of the Rho Kappa Social Studies Honor Society
- Quiz Bowl Team Member
- National Technical Honor Society Member
- Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society
- GPA (unweighted) 3.86
Second Recipient:
Samuel Jonas George of Siloam, NC
- East Surry High School – Graduate June 10, 2016
- DOB: May 7, 1998
- Parents: Jack and Vickie George
- UNC Charlotte: Mechanical Engineering, Army ROTC
- Awarded 3 year ROTC National Scholarship at UNCC
- JROTC – 4 years unit under the command of 1stSgt Ronald Montgomery, USA, Retired
- Best 1st Year JROTC Student – 2013
- Senior Patrol leader in JROTC
- JROTC Platoon Sergeant
- Command Sergeant Major
- Battalion Commander
- JROTC Raiders Team member
- Very active in the yearly can food drives with different organizations
- Part of planning & execution of 8 American red cross blood drives
- Various fund raisers to help veterans
- Other charity fund raisers for local students with cancer.
- Eagle Scout in 2013
- Best 1st year scout in 2009
- Assistant Senior patrol leader in Boy Scouts
- Academic and leadership Quiz Bowl team captain
- Member of the National Honors Society
- Member of the National Technical Honor Society
- Cross Country team member
- GPA (Unweighted) 3.72
It was a great pleasure for the Tarheel Central MOAA Chapter to recognize these two outstanding recipients of our 2016 Scholarship Awards.