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  Tarheel Central Chapter MOAA: Serving Surry, Yadkin, Davie, Stokes, Forsyth, and Davidson counties in NC

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Chapter Meeting - April 2024

A cautionary tale from the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre

Our speaker fled China after the put down of this revolt and found freedom in the US of all those things denied by the CCP while growing up.

The message: Our highest priority should be avoiding the Internecine warfare (including members within a family) that seems to loom so threateningly over the US today.

In other business three new members (Jim Savage, Tom Hatcher, Jerry Casey) were welcomed onboard after a brief overview of their service experiences; our new MOAA Banner was on display, future Chapter supported activities like the Triad Honor Flight, Marine Mud Run and Toys for Tots were highlighted.

Posted 04/10/24 13:17 by The Webmaster Under Chapter Events Permalink 1712769474